ASA Chemical group has own production facility in Eastern Europe as well as collaborates with third parties for contract manufacturing. Own production facilities allow to produce:
- Soluble Liquid Concentrates (SL)
- Suspension Concentrates (SC)
- Flowable Suspension Concentrates for Seed treatment (FS)
- Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC)
We have equipped our plant with the best European, Indian and Chinese equipment to be capable to supply quality products at a reasonable price.
The current production capacity of the plant is about 12 thousand tons per year. High efficiency and safety of production is possible due to a number of factors, which were taken into account in the design of the plant and successfully implemented during construction:
- Many of the production operations are automated, which greatly facilitates the system operation. A person is needed only to control the electrical equipment and products packaging process.
- Production technologies are fully adapted to the equipment installed at the plant. It is possible to increase productivity through the intensification of production and planning of shifts.
- The plant widely uses energy-saving technologies. In the cold season premises are heated by the technological equipment generated heat.
- There is no industrial sewage network at the plant because no stocks are generated in the production process. All production residues are transported for disposal to the licensed state enterprises.
- Multifunctional equipment produced by the best manufacturers and modern methods of air conditioning minimize possible emissions